Happy Birthday, Neal! Have a great ski trip -- no breakage allowed, of any kind, except some rules... I also went into a new decade -- a week before the elections... so make the most of your dream activities and distract yourself from the coming stuff...
Take care and looking forward to your return!
Thanks Jim!
Happy Birthday Neal!! You make bourbon/whiskey taste so good!!
Thanks Lar - you should join this club. Blaise will be there soon. (I think you're a year behind us). Hope you make it to Burlington in Feb
Happy Birthday, Neal! Have a great ski trip -- no breakage allowed, of any kind, except some rules... I also went into a new decade -- a week before the elections... so make the most of your dream activities and distract yourself from the coming stuff...
Happy Bday back at you! And yes, that's plan - distraction from the coming chaos. Oy...
Happy 40th Neal!
Cheers my friend , got to the evil birthday a few days before you , enjoy the Austrian Alps. Have really enjoyed your reviews, comments and recipes.
Thanks Ed! Happy Birthday, and glad you've enjoyed Blood & Whiskey. Cheers.
Excited for you! Here's to the next adventure.
Thanks Lisa!!! We'll have to start planning our next team adventure.
They have been legendary so far. High bar— but I’m willing to try! (cue terrible Eye of the Tiger cover)